
Monday, February 23, 2009

Proud to be n MEXCIANO!

Ama tu ritmo...

Ama tu ritmo y ritma tus acciones
bajo su ley, así como tus versos;
eres un universo de universos
y tu alma una fuente de canciones.

La celeste unidad que presupones
hará brotar en ti mundos diversos,
y al resonar tus números dispersos
pitagoriza en tus constelaciones.

Escucha la retórica divina
del pájaro del aire y la nocturna
irradiación geométrica adivina;
mata la indiferencia taciturna
y engarza perla y perla cristalina
en donde la verdad vuelca su urna.

Love your rhythm...

Love your rhythm, and rhythm your actions
under its law, aswell as your verses;
you are a universe of universes
and your soula fount of songs.

The celestial unity you presuppose
will cause to sprout in your diverse worlds,
and upon echoing your dispersed
numbers, pythagorize in your constellations.

Listen to the divine
rhetoric of the airborne bird and divine
the nocturnal geometric emanation;

kill taciturn indifference
and link pearl after crystaline pearl
where truth tips her urn.

Mi Bandera- Long Live The Mexiano's


Si mi voz muriera en tierra...

Si mi voz muriera en tierra,
llevadla al nivel del mar
y dejadla en la ribera.

Llevadla al nivel del mar
y nombradla capitana
de un blanco bajel de guerra.

Oh mi voz condecorada
con la insignia marinera:
sobre el corazon un ancla
y sobre el ancla una estrella
y sobre la estrella el viento
y sobre el viento una vela!


If my voice dies on land...

If my voice dies on land,
take it down to the sea
and leave it on the shore.

Take it down to the sea
and make it captain
of a white man-of-war.

Honor it with
a sailor’s medal:
over its heart an anchor,
and on the anchor a star,
and on the star the wind,
and on the wind a sail!

Con Ramon

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Great Whites

I know that too Danger yeh!

Austin Stevens



isint bobby cute????

iChristophia Introduction

So Here we are Ladies and Gentle Men , This is me iChristophia and guess what??? Your in my World it fun? yeh i know thankz ;) well Am here to Share some nice lil bit of my stuff . we could work on the best part laters but this is just the introduction...